June 2024

Dear readers,

during the last weeks, we have fixed some bugs and improved the documentation for our flagship products UIX and DATEX. While we are still waiting for results on our application for funding, we are getting our decentralized authentication service unyt Auth ready to go online after its big refactoring.


Results on our transformD application are expected for the end of June. In March, we submitted our application for the transformD support program. We are awaiting the results and expect them to be announced at the end of this month. With a successful funding, we will primarily invest the resources into expanding, maturing and maintaining our decentralized authentication infrastructure unyt Auth. Secondarily, UIX and DATEX will benefit from this investment as well.

Quick Bit: What is unyt Auth?

unyt Auth is a free of charge web-based open-source service for authenticating persons, institutions and machines in applications that are built with unyt.org technologies.

For developers, it offers easy integration with just a few lines of code.
For users, it acts like a Single-Sign-On provider such as "Log in with Google".

unyt Auth however is decentralized and writes the information to a distributed network storage that is encrypted with keys owned by the user. The user has control over what information gets shared with what services he/she signs up for.

In the future, unyt Auth will support account validation for natural persons and institutions using government-official proofs and thereby offer a fast and tamper-proof alternative to costly Know-Your-Customer (KYC) processes.


For the last few months we have been working on improving our project documentation on docs.unyt.org and fixing many bugs to improve the overall stability of UIX and DATEX.


  • Initial work on an improved error handling system to allow for better developer experience. The user shall be provided with information about error stack, reason and steps to resolve the issue (WIP)
  • Improvement of UIX session handling logic on the server to allow for verified and trusted endpoint communication



  • Started development of the unyt Auth project to provide a decentralized flexible authentication mechanism for the UIX@0.2.x version

Upcoming Events

We invite you to join our open meetings.

  • Weekly Developers Meeting: Tuesdays, 8:00 pm CEST.
  • Monthly Management Meeting: Tuesday, July 02, 8:00 pm CEST.
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